
Welcome to Rising Center

Mindful Interventions for Personal Growth

Rising Center guides people toward personal growth through mindfulness-based practices, such as yoga and meditation. This can lead to increased wellness from greater integration of body, mind, energy, and heart. 

We also help individuals address patterns of negativity that can lead to anxiety, depression, and addiction. This is not psychological therapy, but mindfulness can have positive impacts on the psyche. 

We provide workshops, direct instruction, and group practices, both in our offices in Concord, MA, and in the field. We can come to your site and provide an individualized program for you or your organization. We focus on deep teaching of the skills, so that our clients themselves may become the teachers. 

Our services are particularly suited to families, caregivers, and teachers of children with learning differences. Our clients have included individuals with neurodiversity, public school districts, private special education schools, and addiction treatment centers. 

We are interested in providing mindfulness-based interventions to help those who may be at high risk for relief seeking behavior such as addiction. Additionally, in schools teaching mindfulness to the staff builds their capacity to promote positive outcomes for all students. 

We seek to offer a resource base to bring together organizations and individuals devoted to providing alternative therapies and mindfulness-based interventions for personal transformation. Rising Center is always open to collaboration with individuals and organizations who promote the use of mindfulness-based practices.


 “What day is it?"
“It's today," squeaked Piglet.
“My favorite day," said Pooh.
A.A. Milne